How to Order?

Step 1:
Fill in the Order Form provided in our blog or;
Send us your particulars to
If you’re sending us an email, please state the Item Code, Name of the item and address.

Step 2:
We will then reply you whether the item is available. If it is available and you’re confirmed that you would like to purchase it, we will then provide you the total payable amount together with our bank account details.

Step 3:
Once you have transferred the fund to us, kindly forward us the necessary banking transaction details such as time, date, reference number and etc.

Step 4:
Once payment is completed and verified, we will proceed with shipment.

Step 5:
The parcels will normally take 2 days to reach you. You may track your parcels online via

Step 6:
Kindly let us know if you have received the parcels. Feel free to drop us a line or two if you have any other concerns or interest, as we are more than happy & willing to assist you further from here.